Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Makara Jyothi Darshanam @ Sri Krishna Swami Sabai - 14th January 2011

Sami Saranam,

In conjunction with Makara Jothi There will be Ayappan prayer on :

Date : 14th January 2011
Time : 7.00pm
Venue : Om Sri Krishna Swami Sabai Seremban
Lot 21383, Jalan Mambau -Port Dickson
Seremban, N.Sembilan.

Devotees are encouraged to bring along generous amount of camphor (Sudum) to participate in the lighting up of the Jothi. Mr Gopal (Swamiji's son from Singapore) would be also joining the prayers on friday as well. We look forward for your participation and hope this event would be blessed by our beloved Guruji / Swamji Krishna Sreedaran.

For any further queries, kindly feel free to contact Vijayan (012.6980701), Mahendran (019.6231069) or Rama Murthy(012.3854791). Please also help to disseminate this info to those not in the above mailing list. Thanking you in anticipation.

Live Streaming of 14th January 2011 Makara Jyothi Will be Available On the following WebSites : @ 9.15pm

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